Change Or Improve Your Relationship

Change Or Improve Your Relationship

How To Use The Power Of Empathy To Revive, Change Or Improve Your Relationship What Is Empathy? Simply put, empathy is understanding: the sensing of another person’s underlying feelings, wants, and emotional dynamics – looking at the world through their lenses – “What...
Post-divorce Aloneness – Part 1

Post-divorce Aloneness – Part 1

Your divorce has thrown you into a very lonely place full of conflicted feelings of rejection and longing, love and hate, remorse and rage, not to mention sadness and relief. While you used to have a counterpart to help you through hard times, now you are on your own...
Post-divorce Aloneness – Part 2

Post-divorce Aloneness – Part 2

In my clinical practice, a very common reaction to the loss of a partner is “I don’t know who I am anymore.” Sound familiar? One of my clients aptly referred to his post-divorce aloneness as the “panic of the I.” He compared his feelings to those of a toddler who...
Dysfunctional Relationships

Dysfunctional Relationships

Would You Know If You Were In A Dysfunctional Relationship? Definition The terms “toxic,” “dysfunctional,” and “codependent” are used to describe relationships that are not working. Although experts decipher differences in their meanings, the terms are often used...