~ Deborah Hecker, Ph.D.

Divorce counseling will benefit you and help you to:
- Grieve – In order to move beyond the pain of loss, you must make a conscious decision to recover, over avoidance and fear.
- Develop an independent identity – I will help you, post-divorce, to develop your personal power, renew your self-esteem and teach you the necessary prerequisites for successful future relationships.
Not sure if divorce counseling is right for you?
These articles might help.
How Will I Benefit From Divorce Counseling?
Introduction Ask anyone who has been through a divorce and they will tell you it rocks the foundation of your being, leaves you feeling lonely, flawed, undesirable, enraged, and hopeless, to name a few emotions. During my divorce twenty-seven years ago, I was in...
How Do I Know If I Need Divorce Counseling?
Introduction Divorce challenges the basic sense of who you are, who you’ve been, and who you’ll become. Healing from a divorce is not like getting over the flu where one rests, drinks lots of fluids and comes out the other side good as new. Surviving a divorce is much...
Should You Divorce Or Save Your Marriage?
The following shocking divorce statistics are from the U.S. Census Bureau: Around 50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce. 48% of first marriages end in divorce. 60% of second marriages end in divorce. 73% of third marriages end in divorce. In America,...
“WHO AM I WITHOUT MY PARTNER” by Dr. Deborah Hecker
Post-Divorce Healing and Rediscovering Your SELF

Learn WHY Your Marriage/Relationship Ended
Email Series
I’ve put together a 6-part email series for you.
In it, you learn why your marriage/relationship came apart, the part you played in it, and most importantly, HOW to empower yourself to move forward to make sure these issues aren’t an issue in any of your future romantic relationships (To virtually “divorce-proof” yourself, if you will).
To Get Started With Divorce Counseling
Let’s Connect
Click the button below to connect and get a free introductory session with me. We can chat through phone, Skype, or Vsee. This enables me to communicate with anyone in the United States and abroad.
It is my sincere hope that all information on my website provides you with content that inspires you to enhance your relationships. These materials are not intended to be a substitute for my counseling services. If you are ready to make that leap, please click here to set up a complimentary consultation.
Expect More and Get It With Dr. Deborah Hecker’s unique model for online Individual and Couples Counseling.