How To Find The Sweet Spot Between Closeness And Separateness In Your Romantic Relationship?
Many people equate relationship commitment with a loss of freedom and a kind of bondage. It doesn’t have to be that way. If you have any questions, click here to schedule your initial consult. Warmly, Deb
Why Romantic Relationships Are SO Complicated
When I was young, I thought of romantic relationships as very simple - you either love him / her or you don’t. The truth is that human beings are complex and life is sometimes crazy, and that combination can make romantic relationships tricky, perplexing, and...
Rewards Of Helping Others
Helping others is not only good for them and a good thing to do, it also makes us happier and healthier.
Prioritizing Our Mental Health
Two recent events have caused me to think that if ever there was a time to promote the importance of minding our mental health and our need for self-care, this is it. First, it’s impossible to ignore the emergence of coronavirus and the resulting uncertainties we are...
Can Your Romantic Relationship Survive Post-Pandemic Life?
For some, the pandemic created an opportunity to spend more time together at home.
Is It Ever Okay To Lie In A Relationship?
Introduction All of us remember the story of Pinocchio and the role honesty played in his life. In order for Pinocchio, a marionette, to become the real boy he longed to be, first he had to prove that he had true values. However, the blue fairy warned him about lying,...
How To Stop Needing To Be Right All The Time
Introduction Personally, I have been very troubled by the deep divides that currently exist in many...
Every Mother’s Day, Our Culture Puts Motherhood on a Pedestal
As a Mom, and I speak for the millions of other Moms, I know that the real work of motherhood can be a daily grind – the worrying, the guilt, the concerns and the fears (not to mention the headaches). We make mistakes, plenty of them. Why? Because Motherhood can be...
When I spoke to Linda on Christmas day, that version of me could not possibly know the loss I was about to experience 6 weeks later in February, when she died of Covid 19. Of course, I know that none of us is invincible, and that experiencing loss binds all human...
Everything You Want To Know About Sex During The Pandemic
Can Coronavirus spread through sex? Well, No--and--Yes, the experts tell us. Can one stay 6 feet apart from their partner with a mask on and have great sex? Mmmmm. My single clients often ask me if it is safe to start a new relationship or to have safe sex in an era...
Life Lessons We Can Learn from the Elderly
Why write a blog about the elderly? Most of us don’t like to think about aging. In fact, we try to avoid it. However, I have discovered that this view about the elderly is needlessly negative and that, in fact, the oldest people can teach all of us, regardless of age,...
Feeling Your Feelings Makes You Stronger
I grew up in a family of rational, left-brained people. I prided myself on keeping my emotions in check and remaining cool and collected. Then, anxiety struck me with a vengeance, and I ended up on an analyst’s couch 3 days a week in my early 20’s. My client, Joe, who...