Every Mother’s Day, Our Culture Puts Motherhood on a Pedestal

As a Mom, and I speak for the millions of other Moms, I know that the real work of motherhood can be a daily grind – the worrying, the guilt, the concerns and the fears (not to mention the headaches). We make mistakes, plenty of them. Why? Because Motherhood can be demanding, exhausting, and messy.

Sometimes we feel very loved and appreciated and other times deeply misunderstood.

So, really Mother’s Day is every day.

But, if you are lucky, from time to time, your children will grace you with humor. We all know that children try to express their feelings in the best way they know how. But, sometimes, it just doesn’t come out right. I would like to share with you a few things my daughters wrote to me on Mother’s Day when they were little girls.

They had me laughing out loud. Here goes…

Younger daughter, age 5: When I grow up, I want to be like my Mommy. She is the best Mommy I ever had. She’s smart, kind, and let’s my Daddy do the cooking. Sometimes, my Mother gets frantic.

Older daughter, age 7: Happy Mother’s Day from your favorite child.

To all the brave, resourceful and loving Mothers of the world, I wish you peace of mind, lots of love, and funny children.



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