Ask the expert - Dr Deborah

Dear Dr. Deb.

As a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist specializing in interpersonal relationships, it makes sense that people who are struggling would seek out my professional services – especially when they are hurting.  Through my decades of experience, I’ve encountered recurring questions, dilemmas, and struggles that I feel are universal to all of us navigating day-to-day relationships.

Before we go any further, I want to emphasize that giving advice is not psychotherapy, and my advice column is not meant to be a substitute. In therapy, I help people explore their feelings and learn about themselves.  It’s a self-discovery process, not a quick fix or a cure-all.

While I love being a therapist and guiding people through personal challenges, I know that not everyone wants or needs a therapist to solve certain problems.  But I also know that most people have the desire to learn and grow. 

While not a replacement for a professional therapist, a lot of personal growth may result from reading through the hardships, and indiscretions of others.  Looking for ourselves in other people’s stories can help us feel less alone in our struggles.

In my advice column, I’ll share true stories about relationship issues with my responses rooted in psychological assumptions and, of course, practical advice.  While my responses won’t be candy-coated, they will be empathetic and respectful.  I’ll dole out some “real talk” and encourage you to learn about yourself, and come away with a better perspective on life and love. 

Thanks for being part of my community. If you’ve found value in my advice columns, I invite you to share this with a friend who may also need a dose of real talk. In the meantime, please click here and join me on Dear Dr. Deb’s debut launch.


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