Radical Acts of Kindness

Tis’ the season to get into the holiday spirit.

Sadly, this can also be a stressful time of year, figuring out the perfect gift to buy your partner and worrying about spending money.

However, kindness toward your partner requires very little time, money or hard work – simply a willingness to act from your heart.

In my practice, I have seen kindness create unexpected and exciting changes for people who are willing to practice it and commit to it.

Can you recall the last time you delivered a random act of kindness to your partner?

Call to mind their reaction.

Call to mind how you felt.

Kindness is a simple but profound concept.

With kindness, your relationship will become easier.

I promise.

Daily Acts of Holiday Kindness

“The Golden Rule” – treat others the way you want to be treated – seems so simplistic, something we are taught at a young age, you would think that it wouldn’t be necessary to have this rule exist.

Yes, I know your partner is not perfect and they can drive you nuts.

But, let’s consider how the following acts of kindness can change your partner’s day and have a ripple effect on your relationship.

  • Show gratitude. The simple act of saying “thank you” is one of the most important things you can do for your partner. Not doing it can make them feel underappreciated.
  • Offer compliments. Everyone needs an emotional boost. It may sting a little to admit, but if you are honest with yourself, it can be easy to take your partner for granted and forget that giving compliments should be a regular part of your daily communication.
  • Show affection. Hopefully, you haven’t lost that loving feeling! When was the last time you hugged or kissed your partner for no reason? Expressing affection during the holiday season is important, but don’t leave this only for special occasions.
  • Be thoughtful. Small things can be special: pick up your partner’s favorite food for dinner; involve yourself in their hobby; make breakfast for them. Plant seeds into your relationship. The effort is worth it.
  • Listen empathically. This means you understand and respect the validity of your partner’s feelings. Get to know your partner better.
  • Be patient. Patience is part of kindness. You need to respect your partner’s rhythm, which may be different than yours.

Remember, being kind to your partner costs nothing. Words and actions are free.


It is my sincere hope that all information on my website provides you with content that inspires you to enhance your relationships. These materials are not intended to be a substitute for my counseling services. If you are ready to make that leap, please click here to set up a complimentary consultation.


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