Divorce doesn’t end when the papers are signed, so why does the job of the Collaborative divorce professional? While we provide an invaluable service to our clients, some of the most challenging aspects of divorce appear after the process is completed. Anyone going...
Tools To Make A Bad Relationship Better
Simple But Important Tools To Help Make A Bad Relationship Better Introduction When I was going through my divorce, my Dad, a corporate attorney, told me the following; “Everybody wins and everybody loses.” At the time, I was too caught up in the war to be able to...
Guiding Your Clients Through The Emotional Turmoil of Dividing The Assets
Let’s talk money – a core concern of any divorce experience Let’s talk money – a core concern of any divorce experience. Most of us tend to think about money in terms of dollars and cents; about making the “right” financial choices. Money, however, is a much more...
The Roles of Mental Health Professionals in Divorce
Let's Consider The “Emotional” Divorce Many, if not most, of the clients seen by a family law attorney manifest a high degree of anxiety. This anxiety (which can present in a variety of ways) can interfere with the attorney’s ability to concentrate on the legal...
Resolving Couples Conflicts
Redefining Collaborative Divorce: Is There More We Can Do To Help Our Clients Grow and Heal? Many of us try to resolve relationship conflicts by demanding an overhaul of our partners. Why? Often, we define the problem in terms of the other person: “I have problems...
Should You Divorce Or Save Your Marriage?
The following shocking divorce statistics are from the U.S. Census Bureau: Around 50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce. 48% of first marriages end in divorce. 60% of second marriages end in divorce. 73% of third marriages end in divorce. In America,...
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