online counseling

Online Relationship Counseling


Contemporary neuroscience shows us that people make the same relationship mistakes over and over, only to get the same disappointing results, UNTIL THEY MAKE A DECISION TO CHANGE.

Like most people, you probably feel that change is scary and something to avoid.

Or perhaps you have been at the edge of taking action to free yourself from emotional pain and relationship mistakes, only to back away.

If you’re wondering WHY your marriage/relationship ended and you are concerned you might end up in another failed relationship, challenge yourself to overcome your fear of change and schedule a complimentary consult today!

Online / Telephone Counseling Services Offered

Individual Counseling
Couples Counseling
Divorce Counseling

Online / Telephone Counseling Services Are Beneficial For:
In multiple studies, online therapy has been demonstrated to be as effective as face-to-face therapy, sometimes even more.

Typically, my clients are busy professionals with enormous time constraints:


  • CEO’s working for multinational corporations or other international organizations
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners and their spouses
  • Business people who travel
  • International teachers, Foreign Service Officers and other government employees living abroad
  • Expats seeking the same level of professional service they are accustomed to in the U.S.
  • Celebrities and politicians who prefer privacy and discretion

About Dr Deborah Hecker

Dr. Deborah Hecker has been in private practice as a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist for more than thirty-five years. She has a Master’s degree from Columbia University and a Ph.D. from the Union Institute. Dr. Hecker is the author of Who Am I Without My Partner? Post—Divorce Healing and Rediscovering Your SELF and Torn Between Two Loves: How Entrepreneurs Can Successfully Commit to Both Business and Significant Others. She has contributed to print magazines and newspapers including The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune and Harper’s Bazaar. Dr. Hecker has been interviewed on national radio and talk shows, including on PBS, Radio MD and ABC.

Dr. Deborah Hecker

You should consider counseling with me if:

  • You are willing to take a hard look at yourself. Counseling is work, but I will work with you.
  • You are willing to face your fears.
  • You are willing to learn new tools to replace bad habits and make permanent changes.
  • You are willing to be honest with yourself (and me) about things you may want to avoid acknowledging.

You should NOT consider counseling with me if:

  • You are looking for a quick fix and instant solutions. Authentic change doesn’t come easily.
  • You are looking for free advice. In order to change your behaviors, you must be prepared to take full responsibility for your own life.
  • You think I have the magic answer to your problems. I do not.
  • You are not prepared to be uncomfortable before feeling better.

“My husband and I are co-owners of our business. Dr. Hecker helped me to learn when to share control with my husband and when to take a back seat.”

Susan / Bermuda

“The divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me. It allowed me to be who I am, not the shadow of the person I was. Thank you for supporting my metamorphosis to the woman I am.”

Terry / Florida

“Dr. Hecker taught me how to navigate being a strong individual and part of a strong couple.”

Laura D. / Texas

“Debbie is a voice of reason when nothing seems to make sense. She is very objective, but also knows when to prompt you to assert yourself. Debbie provides a consistent source of guidance in ways that friends and family simply cannot. She has helped me release a tremendous sense of failure and enabled me to see the opportunities for growth.”

Dan P. / Vermont

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