“The divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me. It allowed me to be who I am, not the shadow of the person I was. Thank you for supporting my metamorphosis to the woman I am.”

“Debbie is a voice of reason when nothing seems to make sense. She is very objective, but also knows when to prompt you to assert yourself. Debbie provides a consistent source of guidance in ways that friends and family simply cannot. She has helped me release a tremendous sense of failure and enabled me to see the opportunities for growth.”

“Dr. Hecker taught me how to navigate being a strong individual and part of a strong couple.”

“My husband and I are co-owners of our business. Dr. Hecker helped me learn when to share control with my husband and when to take a back seat.”

“I’ve done it again. I kept thinking I understood where I went wrong in my last relationship,” were the first words I spoke to Dr. Hecker. She helped me develop the motive to change my habitual behavior, to recognize precisely how I was repeating the same counterproductive dependencies and to become more self-reliant. Now I am happily married.”

“Thank you for guiding me through thoughts, patterns and the times I felt unclear, confused and in pain. I don’t know what I would have done without you. You’re amazing and an inspiration. Largely, thanks to your guidance, I’m ready now to work through on my own the problems that might arise.”

“Dr. Hecker places enormous value on the importance of communication. She taught me to identify my feelings and how to communicate them honestly with my partner.”